The owners of Elevate recently had the pleasure of supervising first-year PT students for the month of May. They are an enthusiastic, albeit infuriating, bunch… as all novices are! The infuriation led two of the owners to lovingly deem these PT students “troglodytes”.
“What is a troglodyte?” you may ask. It is effectively a prehistoric cave-dweller. Another synonym is “recluse” or “hermit”. But we used the term to describe the prehistoric or dogmatic thinking associated with being a novice.
This is, of course, all (mostly) in jest. But upon further reflection we realized that as we began to mentor the little troglodytes, we started sharing clinical pearls & other tips. We think these clinical pearls could be:
Useful if you are a clinician
Useful if you are a regular person trying to understand our silly medical system
Generally entertaining [especially if you envision one of the owners sort-of yelling them at students in a constructive way].
Enter: The Trog Blog.
We will be posting these little clinical pearls once or twice per week until we are all out of Trog Blogs. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. They are in no particular order, so enjoy the Smorgasbord that follows!